The Money Shot (Profiting From Someone Else’s Pain)
A 15 year old girl is raped by 7 people while up to 12 people stood by and watched it happen.
A 15 year old girl is raped by 7 people while up to 12 people stood by and watched it happen.
The police officers that were caught on tape beating the breaks off of Rodney King were acquitted and the City of Los Angeles damn near burned to the ground. Fast forward 15 years later, and R. Kelly is caught on tape having sex with an underage girl, he’s acquitted of […]
Using Black people to promote racist beliefs against blacks, to make stereotypes about black people more believable.
An examination of the use of the N Word, a collage of video clips from stand-up comedy, social commentary, and spoken word poetry. Where do you you stand on the use of the N word???
A follow up video to “Blame The Parents For Juvenile Violence???” Examining the entire spectrum of violence involving school age children, from school shootings to gang fights and beat downs. It’s NOT just happening in minority neighborhoods. It’s happening in MIDDLE AMERICA too. Here are a couple of examples.
Clips of various violent acts caught on tape and given a considerable amount of media coverage. The question is who do you blame for the behavior of the kids guilty of such heinous acts of violence. I want to know what your thoughts are on this, and how we can […]
Here in the second installment of The Honest Truth Series, Mr. Spann takes a critical look at G. Craige Lewis of EX Ministries, and examines a few of the claims and accusations he makes in his Truth Behind Hip Hop DVD Series.
The final installment and Last Word Mr. Spann explains the reasons for the series, gives his personal opinion on the topics covered in the video, and briefly addresses some of the contentions some have about the series.
In the 5th installment of The Honest Truth, Mr. Spann addresses the accusations that Albert Pike and his book Morals and Dogma confirm that Freemasons are indeed worshiping Satan. And gives a brief history lesson on the Leo Taxil Hoax. The FULL LEO TAXIL CONFESSION PROVIDED BELOW THE VIDEO! Twelve […]