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352 Results / Page 38 of 40

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The Spann Report

(Episode 110) “Take Me To Church!”

Mr. Spann

Join Mr. Spann this Saturday 5:00 PM EST April 9th on SPREECAST for Episode 110 of #TSRP as we discuss, inadvertently blocking another dude’s shot. The Walking Dead has managed to piss off their fans with their season finale, will you continue to watch? Bill Clinton puts takes up for […]

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The Spann Report

The Spann Report (Episode 109) “Eraser”

Mr. Spann

Join Mr. Spann this Saturday April 2nd at 3:30 PM EST for Episode 109 of The Spann Report. Batman Vs. Superman was released this past holiday weekend to mixed reviews, Spann gives his take on the comic book epic. Donald Trump sticks his foot in his mouth yet again, in […]

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The Spann Report

The Spann Report (Episode 108) “Still Crying”

Mr. Spann

After a one week break. Mr. Spann returns to the mic to talk about random shit that happened on the job over the course of the week, and podcasting with an old college pal. Big Kev, from the 90/10 Rule Podcast joins us to today. Cardi B and Peter Gunz […]

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The Spann Report

The Spann Report (Episode 107) “A Cry For Help”

Mr. Spann

Join Mr. Spann this Saturday 3/12/16 for episode 107 of #TSRP as Spann talks about the Democratic Debate in Flint MI, and the differences of the concerns of Democratic and Republican candidates in Michigan. The Michigan Presidential Primaries were held, and Spann voted in the Republican primary! Why the hell […]

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The Spann Report

The Spann Report (Episode 106) “I Don’t Like That Shit”

Mr. Spann

On Episode 106 of #TSRP Spann talks family! TV One premiered a new episode of the show “Unsung” featuring Mr. Spann’s grandfather, Soul Singer Johnnie Taylor. We’ll discuss what impression the episode made. Jordan Brand has re-released another set of retro model Air Jordans. Lines form across the country to […]

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The Spann Report

The Spann Report (Episode 104) “Ignorance Is Dangerous”

Mr. Spann

Join Mr. Spann for Episode 104 of #TSRP this week as Spann and his guest Wendell Tucker of Theori Studios Inc. discuss Apple Vs. The FBI over hacking the phone of the San Bernadino shooter. Someone has been attempting to pay Mr. Spann’s cell phone bill, is it a scam […]

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The Spann Report

The Spann Report (Episode 103) “Unapologetically Me”

Mr. Spann

Join Mr. Spann this Saturday at 2:30 PM EST On Episode 103 of #TSRP  This is the first live Episode of the show done with Spreecast. Spann talks about fallout from the Super Bowl, as Cam Newton comes under new scrutiny after losing the big game. Beyonce came out with […]